Have you ever had a chaotic week that you thought would never end!? The tasks and commitments just kept piling up overwhelming you!? 😟 More realistically, does that sound like your life?
I've had so many of those weeks and at one point, that was my life! I have ADHD which means I struggle with time management and I'm the queen of overloading my schedule because for some reason, my energy today said I'd have energy on that day in the future to do the things I've said yes to.
Inevitably, these turn into chaotic weeks and months!
Here are my 5 tips to getting through that chaotic week(s)
🧡 lots of rest whenever possible
🧡 ensure you have food, snacks, and WATER! (I'm hollering this one at me!)
🧡 make sure you have a 100%, or as close to that as possible, day to rest following that chaotic week(s)
🧡 see if you can minimize your workload/commitments moving forward
🧡 it's ok to say no to the things that will stress you out, overstimulate you, or you simply don't want to do AND you don't have to have a reason.
Many of us LIVE in this chaos consistently and that quickly leads to burnout, exhaustion, sickness, and mental health issues. The holiday season just adds to this...
If you are someone that wants to create a life and business without those things consistently knocking at your door, keep reading...
Step one is evaluating your workload, commitments, and schedule.
What can you remove, what can you minimize, and how do these things make you feel?
If you really want to dig deep into these things, you have options. As a productivity strategist for your business, household, and life that works specifically with ADHD & neurodivergent entrepreneurs, I get it, things are hard - from RSD, time blindness, executive dysfunction, etc.
Hop on my VIP list and get an amazing VIP experience by getting all the deets FIRST, my best productivity tips, and what's happening at The Productivity Impact before anyone else!
Have an amazing day💖 your fav productivity human
Task management is an important aspect to being successful and not falling behind in a mountain of things to do. Now it’s not magic, but you can most certainly boost your productivity and save some sanity by having a task management system.
There are many components that go into setting up a task management system that works and you need to remember to use. We LOVE the dopamine that comes with trying new things, but when it wears off, then we forget to use the system most times. That’s a lot of time and potentially money that could go to waste and we certainly don’t want that.
So WHY do I need a task management system because I know you all love specifics!
1) a central location to keep all your thoughts so your brain doesn’t have to work so hard
2) a plan of action to start your day even if it goes up in flames (there’s always tomorrow)
3) a way to work toward your goals
4) keep all the things organized
5) can add support to your business with ease
6) saves you countless hours of searching for all the things
I have a solution if you keep reading. I know it’s long, but I’ll wrap it up shortly!
My favorite part about this streamlined task management system I’ve created for my business is that I’ve put together a course that walks you through how to set one up yourself!
What you walk away with besides your sanity in the morning when you're figuring out what needs done for the day or even the week:
1) Daily/Weekly Planner that integrates email, project management, and more!
2) Project Management System
3) What to do on low energy days
4) How to get the things out of your brain and onto paper and beyond
5) How to set goals that work for your brain
Now, this can certainly be simplified and put together quickly so you get all the dopamine you desire! Yes, this course is set up to do ONE lesson a day PLUS implement so if you follow that schedule, you will have a system set up in ONE WEEK!
Grab this course for a one-time investment, work through it at your own pace, and get support from Karalee along the way if you desire!
Grab all the details about the Streamlined Task Management course that is most certainly ADHD and neurodivergent friendly by clicking the link below!
Notifications are all over the place. I’m sure you wake up to a bunch every morning from socials, to DMs, to emails, and texts or calls. It’s an incredibly overwhelming state to wake up to at times. You may simply find yourself needing to get rid of the notification asap because it drives you insane! Maybe you even feel glued to your phone or computer because you’re terrified of not replying immediately.
Any of these sound like you?
You cannot be glued to your phone or computer. You simply need to also live life and implement boundaries for yourself and everyone else.
I did an experiment last year. My phone was getting a bunch of spam calls and it was driving me insane so I had to put my phone on silent. My mind thought I was missing all the things because I had instilled in myself that the phone was priority and that once it went off, I had to get it.
I found myself checking my phone even more than before because I didn’t want to miss calls and texts etc. It took a few weeks of my phone on silent 24/7 to get used to being ok with not knowing as soon as something came in.
Side note: alarms still go off if you are concerned about that!
I also implement turning my phone over, the phone’s assistant, and using alarms and timers. You will feel “out of control” for a bit, but after you get used to it, you’ve built the habit and your mind is on board, it’s actually peaceful. I get to choose when I’m interrupted with notifications instead of on demand.
Create slots in your day where you check your phone, emails, DMs, etc so they don’t pile up, but also create the peace that comes with that choice.
Some ways to lessen the amount of notifications
1. leave groups on Facebook that no longer serve you
2. turn off notifications in groups if you want to stay in there but decide when to interact
3. unfollow or delete friends you don’t like seeing content from or are toxic. [or snooze them for 30 days to test it out]
4. leave group messages that don’t serve you
5. check them at routine times throughout the day to avoid build up
And for those of you that get notification overwhelm really fast, this is a great way to not let those get out of hand too!
Plus you’re able to remain focused longer [hopefully] when you’re not being bombarded with notifications that either overwhelm you or you want to answer right away. If you’re a hopefully, grab my top focus tips! CLICK HERE.